How to play kerbal space program online
How to play kerbal space program online

how to play kerbal space program online how to play kerbal space program online

The three game modes in KSP each have their advantages for beginners: It's much easier to just dive right in and start playing, learning as you go. But that's in the somewhat longer term.Īs other answers have noted, the built-in tutorials in Kerbal Space Program are not something you need to complete before starting the actual game. I also forgot to mention MechJeb, which is fucking awesome and IMO the game is unplayable without. You won't succeed at Kerbal Space Program without outside help from time to time. You need to have somewhere you can ask questions when you get stuck, but the answers are usually quite simple. For example, orbital mechanics- the first time I tried to fly to the Mun, I literally just tried to go straight up. However, you will need the ability to discover and grasp new concepts for yourself. All of those things (well most of them) are useful, but you are introduced to them a lot more gradually. Then there's a bunch about asteroid redirects, which are pretty late-game stuff.Īctually playing KSP is a lot easier than the tutorial makes it seem. The ship holder thingies that are only useful for the biggest, heaviest rockets. RCS which you won't need until you're trying to dock ships in orbit. The second tutorial starts off with introducing the controls in the bottom left, which I think that I have literally never ever used. And you start with SRBs (solid rocket boosters) so you won't even really need that, just chuck a bunch of SRBs on the bottom.

how to play kerbal space program online

You can practically get into orbit by just using the starting pod, chucking a parachute on top, sticking some fuel tanks in the middle, and a rocket on the bottom (getting out of orbit again needs a little more p). I've had a brief look at the tutorial and it covers stuff that you don't really need to know to get started, like radial decouplers. You don't need to have previously studied rocket science to play Kerbal Space Program.

How to play kerbal space program online