In other words, your clients can pay for the code but you have to give them access to it so they can modify it themselves.įor people used to dealing with software companies that aren’t open source, this can be mind-blowing, I know. It means that you can take WordPress, alter it, repackage it, and sell it to other people at a profit, as long as you also apply the GPL license.
You can customize, add, or remove anything in WordPress with no restrictions.You can use WordPress in whatever way you like with no restrictions.The main features of this license can be summed up as follows: It’s a software model known as open source. The software is published under the GNU General Public License (or GPL), which means it is free not only to download but to edit, customize, and use. You can download a copy of WordPress for free, and once you have it, it’s yours to use or amend as you wish. The WordPress software is free in both senses of the word. So let’s look in more depth at the ways in which WordPress is free. In other words, if you have a copy of the WordPress software, are you free to use it as you wish to, without restrictions? The answer to this is a definite “Yes!” as you’ll see in a minute. The second meaning of free is the freedom of speech. It will never be free as in speech, though. A beer can be free in monetary terms, meaning it won’t cost you a dime.
The first sense most people are thinking of when they ask if WordPress is free is the monetary sense: free as in beer. These are sometimes referred to as “free as in beer” and “free as in speech”. The Two Meanings of Free Applied to WordPressīefore we can look at whether WordPress is free, it helps to understand the two senses of the word free.